- High Impact Bugが不具合修正時間予測に与える影響の評価:OSSプロジェクトを対象としたケーススタディ(吉行勇人、大平雅雄)
- モジュールごとの活動量を考慮したモジュールオーナー候補者予測:大規模OSSプロジェクトへの適用(山谷陽亮、大平雅雄)
Our paper has been published at The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2016)!!
@inproceedings{Higashi_IWESEP2016, title = {Clustering {OSS} License Statements Toward Automatic Generation of License Rules}, author = {Yunosuke Higashi and Yuki Manabe and Masao Ohira}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2016)}, month = {3}, year = {2016}, }