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[1] Akinori Ihara, Yasutaka Kamei, Akito Monden, Masao Ohira, Jacky Wai Keung, Naoyasu Ubayashi, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Investigation on Software Bug Fix Prediction for Open Source Software Projects -A Case Study on the Eclipse Project -," In International Workshop on Software Analysis, Testing and Applications (SATA 2012), pages 112--119, December 2012.
[2] Masao Ohira, Ahmed E. Hassan, Naoya Osawa, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "The Impact of Bug Management Patterns on Bug Fixing: a Case Study of Eclipse Projects," In Proceedings of 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM2012), pages 264--273, September 2012.
[3] Anakorn Jongyindee, Pattara Leelaprute, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Lessons Learned from Collaborative Research in Software Engineering: a Students Perspective," In International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2012), pages 494--497, August 2012.
[4] Papon Yongpisanpop, Passakorn Phannachitta, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Adaptive Search Framework for Supporting Cooperative Work in Organizations," In Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI2012), volume 2, pages 603--610, August 2012.
[5] Anakorn Jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Good Or Bad Committers? a Case Study of Committers Cautiousness and the Consequences on the Bug Fixing Process in the Eclipse Project," In The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/MENSURA2011), pages 116--125, November 2011.
[6] Anakorn Jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Case Study of the Consequences from Committers’ Activities on the Bug Fixing Process in the Eclipse Project," In The International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2011), pages 009--014, November 2011.
[7] Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Papon Yongpisanpop, Masao Ohira, Arnon Rungsawang, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Tool for Collaborative Guitar Chords Creation Based on the Concept of the Distributed Version Control," In The International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP 2011), pages 43--44, November 2011.
[8] Passakorn Phannachitta, Pijak Jirapiwong, Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Understanding Oss Openness Through Relationship between Patch Acceptance and Evolution Pattern," In The International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2011), pages 37--42, November 2011.
[9] Passakorn Phannachitta, Pijak Jirapiwong, Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto , "An Analysis of Gradual Patch Application - a Better Explanation of Patch Acceptance," In The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/MENSURA2011), pages 106--115, November 2011.
[10] Soichiro Tani, Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, Hidetake Uwano, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A System for Information Integration between Development Support Systems 表題," In The International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice (IWESEP2011), pages 33--34, November 2011.
[11] Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Papon Yongpisanpop, Masao Ohira, Arnon Rungsawang, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Chordbook: a Portable Guitar Chord Song Book Using Crowdsourcing Techniques," In Proceedings of The 2011 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC2011), pages 67--72, September 2011.
[12] Papon Yongpisanpop, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Adaptive Search Engine for Organization Using Crowdsourcing Techniques," In Proceedings of The 2011 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC2011) , pages 61--66, September 2011.
[13] Hitoshi Masaki, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Quantitative Evaluation on the Software Use Experience with Electroencephalogram," In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2011), volume 6770, pages 469--477, July 2011.
[14] Masao Ohira, Hitoshi Masaki, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Cicro: an Interactive Visual Interface for Crowd Communication Online," In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI2011), volume 6778, pages 251--260, July 2011.
[15] Papon Yongpisanpop, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Community Search: a Collaborative Searching Web Application with a User Ranking System," In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2011), volume 6778, pages 378--386, July 2011.
[16] Yuji Takai, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Effects of a Synchronized Scoring Interface on Musical Quality," In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2011), volume 6778, pages 363--372, July 2011.
[17] Shoji Fujita, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Analysis of Committers Toward Improving the Patch Review Process in Oss Development," In Supplementary Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE2010), pages 369--374, November 2010.
[18] Emad Shihab, Akinori Ihara, Yasutaka Kamei, Walid M. Ibrahim, Masao Ohira, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Predicting Re-Opened Bugs: a Case Study on the Eclipse Project," In Proceedings of the 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), pages 249--258, October 2010.
[19] Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Differences of Time between Modification and Re-Modification: an Analysis of a Bug Tracking System," In 題 (booktitle) Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Collaboration in Software Development (KCSD2009), pages 17--22, November 2009.
[20] Masao Ohira, Kiwako Koyama, Akinori Ihara, Shinsuke Matsumoto, Yasutaka Kamei, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Time-Lag Analysis Toward Improving the Efficiency of Communications among Oss Developers," In Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Collaboration in Software Development (KCSD2009), pages 49--62, November 2009.
[21] Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Analysis Method for Improving a Bug Modification Process in Open Dource," In In 10th international workshop on principles of software evolution (IWPSE09), pages 135--143, August 2009.
[22] Mizuki Yamamoto, Masao Ohira, Yasutaka Kamei, Shinsuke Matsumoto, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Temporal Changes of the Openness of an Oss Community: a Case Study of the Apache Http Server Community," In he Fifth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies 2009 (CollabTech 2009), pages 64--65, August 2009.
[23] Masaki Kimura, Hidetake Uwano, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, " Toward Constructing an Electroencephalogram Measurement Method for Usability Evaluation," In Proc. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCI International 2009), pages 95--104, July 2009.
[24] Mikio Kiura, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Webjig: an Automated User Data Collection System for Website Usability Evaluation," In Proc. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCI International 2009), pages 277--286, July 2009.
[25] Yuko Matsuda, Hidetake Uwano, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Analysis of Eye Movements During Browsing Multiple Search Results Pages," In Proc. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCI International 2009), pages 121--130, July 2009.
[26] Kimiharu Ohkura, Yoji Onishi, Shinji Kawaguchi, Masao Ohira, Hajimu Iida, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Method for Measuring Oss Projects Activity Based on Cluster Analysis of Email Threads," In The Fourth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS2008), September 2008.
[27] Yasutaka Kamei, Shinsuke Matsumoto, Hirotaka Maeshima, Yoji Onishi, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Analysis of Coordination between Developers and Users in the Apache Community," In The Fourth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS2008), pages 81--92, September 2008.
[28] Shinsuke Matsumoto, Yasutaka Kamei, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Comparison Study on the Coordination between Developers and Users in Foss Communities," In Socio-Technical Congruence (STC 2008) , number CD-ROM-NO.8, pages 1--9, May 2008.
[29] Takeshi Kakimoto, Yasutaka Kamei, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Social Network Analysis on Communications for Knowledge Collaboration in Oss Communities," In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Supporting Knowledge Collaboration in Software Development (KCSD2006), pages 35--41, September 2006.
[30] Susumu Kuriyama, Masao Ohira, Hiroshi Igaki, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "A Wearable Interface for Visualizing Coauthor Networks Toward Building a Sustainable Research Community," In Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces (AVI2006), pages 492--495, May 2006.
[31] Masao Ohira, Tetsuya Ohoka, Takeshi Kakimoto, Naoki Ohsugi, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Supporting Knowledge Collaboration Using Social Networks in a Large-Scale Online Community of Software Development Projects," In APSEC2005 Workshop on Supporting Knowledge Collaboration in Software Development, pages 835--840, December 2005.
[32] Masao Ohira, Naoki Ohsugi, Tetsuya Ohoka, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Accelerating Cross-Project Knowledge Collaboration Using Collaborative Filtering and Social Networks," In International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR2005), pages 111--115, May 2005.
[33] Masao Ohira and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Analysis on Diversity and Similarity among Software Development Projects Using Empirical Project Monitor," In Proceedings of International Workshop on Computer-Supported Knowledge Collaboration, pages 8--9, July 2004.
[34] Masao Ohira, Reishi Yokomori, Makoto Sakai, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Katsuro Inoue, and Koji Torii, "Empirical Project Monitor: a Tool for Mining Multiple Project Data," In Proc. International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR2004), pages 42--46, May 2004.
[35] Masao Ohira, Reishi Yokomori, Makoto Sakai, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Katsuro Inoue, and Koji Torii, "Empirical Project Monitor: a Tool for Mining Multiple Project Data," In Proc. International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR2004), volume 2, pages 42--46, May 2004.
[36] Masao Ohira, Reishi Yokomori, Makoto Sakai, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Katsuro Inoue, Michael Barker, and Koji Torii, "Empirical Project Monitor: a System for Managing Software Development Projects in Real Time," In Proc. International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE2004), volume 2, pages 37--38, May 2004.
[1] 伊原 彰紀, 亀井 靖高, 大平 雅雄, アダムス ブラム, 松本 健一, "OSSプロジェクトにおけるコミッターの承認に対する動機の理解," 第21回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2014), pages 45-50, 2014年12月.
[2] Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Papon Yongpisanpop, Patanamon Thongtanunam, Masao Ohira, Arnon Rungsawang, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Chordbook: a System That Support Collaborative Guitar Chord Sharing," In In The Groupware & Network Service Workshop, November 2011.
[3] 大平 雅雄, 大澤 直哉, アハマド ハッサン, 松本 健一, "不具合管理パターンが不具合修正に与える影響の分析," 第18回ソフトウェア工学の基礎ワークショップ (FOSE2011), pages 237--242, 2011年.
[4] 小山 貴和子, 伊原 彰紀, まつ本 真佑, 亀井 靖高, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "OSS開発における情報交換の効率改善へ向けたタイムラグ分析手法の提案," 情報処理学会シンポジウム グループウェアとネットワークサービ スワークショップ 2009 論文集, volume 2009, number 8, pages 81--86, 2009年9月.
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[8] 前島 弘敬, まつ本 真佑, 亀井 靖高, 柿元健, 大西 洋司, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "コーディネータのコミュニティ媒介性の評価指標の提案," 情報処理学会シンポジウム, volume 2007, number 11, pages 71--76, 2007年11月.
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[1] Anakorn Jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Good Or Bad Committers? a Case Study of Committers Cautiousness and the Consequences on the Bug Fixing Process in the Eclipse Project," In The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/MENSURA2011), pages 116--125, November 2011.
[2] 木浦 幹雄, 大平 雅雄, 上野 秀剛, 松本 健一, "Webjig: ユーザ行動とユーザ画面の関連付けによる動的Web サイト利用者の行動可視化システムの開発," 情報処理学会シンポジウム「グループウェアとネットワークサービスワークショップ2008」, volume 2008, number 10, pages 97--102, 2008年11月.
[1] 藤田 将司, 伊原 彰紀, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "OSS開発におけるパッチレビュープロセスの効率化に向けたコミッターの分類," 平成22年度 情報処理学会関西支部支部大会 講演論文集, volume 2010, 2010年9月.
[2] 瀧 寛文, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "群衆コミュニケーション支援のための理論的枠組とインタフェースの試作," 情報処理学会研究報告,グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会, volume 2010-GN-075, number 16, pages 1--8, 2010年3月.
[3] 木村 昌樹, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "Marble: 遠隔協調楽曲編集による作曲支援システム," 研究報告「グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN)」 Vol.2010-GN-075, number 12, pages 1--8, 2010年3月.
[4] 伊原 彰紀, 大平 雅雄, まつ本 真佑, 松本 健一, "OSSの開発状況理解支援のための可視化手法の提案," 情報処理学会シンポジウム グループウェアとネットワークサービス・ワークショップ 2009 論文集, pages 63--64, 2009年9月.
[5] 伊原 彰紀, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "不具合管理システム利用時の不具合修正プロセス改善のための滞留時間 分析手法の提案," 情報処理学会 マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO2009) シンポジウム論文集, pages 1221--1227, 2009年7月.
[6] 伊原 彰紀, 大平 雅雄, 小山 貴和子, 松本 健一, "OSSの障害修正における開発者ネットワークの分析," 第5回ネットワーク生態学シンポジウム予稿集, pages 258--259, 2009年3月.
[7] 伊原 彰紀, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "障害管理システム利用時の修正遅延要因の分析," ソフトウェア信頼性研究会 第5回ワークショップ論文集, pages 75--82, 2009年3月.
[8] 大平 雅雄, まつ本 真佑, 松本 健一, "コミュニティ媒介性: OSS開発における協調作業への媒介度を評価する指標," 情報処理学会 第5回ネットワーク生態学シンポジウム, pp.260--261, 2009年3月.
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[10] 伊原 彰紀, 亀井 靖高, 大平 雅雄, まつ本 真佑, 松本健一, "OSSプロジェクトにおける障害に関する情報共有の分析," 平成20年度 情報処理学会関西支部支部大会 講演論文集, number 2008, pages 69--72, 2008年10月.
[11] 木村 昌樹, 上野 秀剛, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "ユーザビリティ評価のための脳波計測手法構築へ向けた実験的検討," ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム2008論文集DVD-ROM, pages 735--742, 2008年9月.
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[14] 伊原 彰紀, 前島 弘敬, まつ本 真佑, 亀井 靖高, 大平 雅雄, 松本 健一, "複数のサブコミュニティを有するOSSコミュニティにおけるコーディネータの分析," 情報処理学会シンポジウム グループウェアとネットワークサービス・ワークショップ 2007 論文集, volume 2007, number 11, pages 13--18, 2007年11月.
[15] 大平 雅雄, まつ本 真佑, 前島 弘敬, 亀井 靖高, 松本 健一, "OSSコミュニティにおける共同作業プロセス理解のための中心性分析," 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ, volume 2007, number 11, 情報処理学会グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究会, 2007年11月.
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