- 論文誌
- [1] Yutaro Kashiwa and Masao Ohira, "A Release-Aware Bug Triaging Method Considering Developers Bug-Fixing Loads," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, volume E103-D, number 02, 348–362, February 2020.
- [2] 柏 祐太郎, 大平 雅雄, 阿萬 裕久, 亀井 靖高, "大規模OSS開発における不具合修正時間の短縮化を目的としたバグトリアージ手法," 情報処理学会論文誌, volume 56, number 2, pages 669--681, 2015年2月.
- [3] Anakorn jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Good Or Bad Committers? - a Case Study of Committers Activities on the Eclipses Bug Fixing Process," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, volume E95-D, number 9, pages 2202--2210, September 2012.
- 国際会議
- [1] Yutaro Kashiwa, Bram Adams, Akinori Ihara, and Masao Ohira, "Investigating the Impact of the Release Cycle on Bug Priority Prediction," In In Consortium for Software Engineering Research 2019 Spring Meeting, May 2019.
- [2] Yutaro Kashiwa, Bram Adams, Akinori Ihara, and Masao Ohira, "Investigating the Impact of the Release Cycle on Bug Priority Prediction," In Consortium for Software Engineering Research 2018 Fall Meeting, October 2018.
- [3] Masao Ohira and Hayato Yoshiyuki, "A New Perspective on the Socialness in Bug Triaging: a Case Study of the Eclipse Platform Project," In Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering, pages 29--32, August 2013.
- [4] Akinori Ihara, Yasutaka Kamei, Akito Monden, Masao Ohira, Jacky Wai Keung, Naoyasu Ubayashi, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Investigation on Software Bug Fix Prediction for Open Source Software Projects -A Case Study on the Eclipse Project -," In International Workshop on Software Analysis, Testing and Applications (SATA 2012), pages 112--119, December 2012.
- [5] Masao Ohira, Ahmed E. Hassan, Naoya Osawa, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "The Impact of Bug Management Patterns on Bug Fixing: a Case Study of Eclipse Projects," In Proceedings of 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM2012), pages 264--273, September 2012.
- [6] Anakorn Jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Good Or Bad Committers? a Case Study of Committers Cautiousness and the Consequences on the Bug Fixing Process in the Eclipse Project," In The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/MENSURA2011), pages 116--125, November 2011.
- [7] Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Differences of Time between Modification and Re-Modification: an Analysis of a Bug Tracking System," In 題 (booktitle) Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Collaboration in Software Development (KCSD2009), pages 17--22, November 2009.
- [8] Akinori Ihara, Masao Ohira, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "An Analysis Method for Improving a Bug Modification Process in Open Dource," In In 10th international workshop on principles of software evolution (IWPSE09), pages 135--143, August 2009.
- 国内会議(査読付き)
- [1] 柏 祐太郎, 大平 雅雄, 阿萬 裕久, 亀井 靖高, "大規模OSS開発における不具合修正時間の短縮化を目的としたバグトリアージ手法," ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014論文集, pages 66--75, 2014年8月.
- 表彰・受賞
- [1] 柏 祐太郎, 大平 雅雄, 阿萬 裕久, 亀井 靖高, "大規模OSS開発における不具合修正時間の短縮化を目的としたバグトリアージ手法," 情報処理学会論文誌, volume 56, number 2, pages 669--681, 2015年2月.
- [2] 柏 祐太郎, 大平 雅雄, 阿萬 裕久, 亀井 靖高, "大規模OSS開発における不具合修正時間の短縮化を目的としたバグトリアージ手法," ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2014論文集, pages 66--75, 2014年8月.
- [3] Anakorn Jongyindee, Masao Ohira, Akinori Ihara, and Ken-ichi Matsumoto, "Good Or Bad Committers? a Case Study of Committers Cautiousness and the Consequences on the Bug Fixing Process in the Eclipse Project," In The Joint Conference of the 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/MENSURA2011), pages 116--125, November 2011.